Waste collection
Leader in waste collection
Client needs
Having a generic platform
Effitrax solution
Client benefits
Simple and future proof
Customer case
This large European company is a leader in waste collection, both for consumer and professional markets. They have a fleet of several thousands vehicles.
They are looking for a solution to better organize round collections and prepare for future services. They have been using telematics solutions for many years, but experience has shown that existing providers were offering closed solutions that were difficult to make evolve. They decided to implement a device that would be more open, including to their own software and future ready.
Effi-Cube has been selected as the unique onboard device for all the data connectivity requirements.

The challenges of the company
The company faces many challenges. First of all, it is looking for an open solution, compatible with all their vehicles and capable of evolving to meet future requirements, without having to install a new device onboard. Also, they need to be able to collect vehicle parameters (engine, driver…) as well as data from the various third party equipment (dumpster, container lift), to better manage its fleet. Lastly, the company developped its own proprietary round management software on a portable tablet: thanks to the Efficube open API, it can access vehicle data in a simple manner and use all vehicle information needed.

Efficube, the open plateform for connected vehicles
The Efficube is the obvious choice to meet these challenges.
The Efficube connects to the diverse onboard CAN buses and collects all information required. For example, ecodriving data is available right away and can be used immediately to implement a fuel savings program.
Customer applications on rugged tablets can connect through WiFi to EffiCube to get acces to the vehicle data and use EffiCube as an internet access point.
Finally, Efficube is ready to evolve with the customer: the platform can be updated over the air to integrate new functions or connect to new equipment like onboard cameras.
Leader in waste collection
Customer benefits
Universal platform
Compatible with third party applications
Open and future proof
The baseline for multiple applications