All the data for all your vehicles

Discover our solutions

Our mission

Our mission is simple: help users and owners of vehicles to better manage their fleet, optimize  operations, reducee fuel consumption as well as maintenance and  diminish CO2 impact.

Our clients challenges…

FInancial head :

“How can I reduce my fuel expenses?”

Operations director :

“I would like to increase vehicle usage to keep the same fleet size”

Chief of maintenance :

“How can I better organize maintenance to keep our QoS?”

Chief of staff:

“I need to improve the safety of the team and implement an ecodriving program”

Discover our case studies

Our answer: the Efficube

The Efficube is our answer to these challenges.

It is an open telematics platform,  universal and upgradable, specifically designed for heavy vehicles and industrial machinery.

The Efficube can connect to all onboard equipments and to collect all relevant data for fleet management applications,  ecodriving, remote vehicle diagnosis, safety, etc…

Our solutions


Effi Diag

All data required for preventive maintenance is available via the Efficube to be analyzed and made used to provide the proper vehicle diagnosis.

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Effi Save

EffiSave is our dedicated ecodriving program that provides large fuel savings.

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Effi Safe

EffiSafe uses the vehicle and driver data collected by the Efficube to improve safety of operations.


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Customer benefits

Better productivity

  • Plan maintenance operations on your fleet
  • Optimize  operations (colelction or delivery rounds…)
  • Follow activity in real time

Immediate savings

  • Use less vehicles for the same operations
  • Reduce fuel consumptionand CO2 footprint
  • Diminish the wear and tear of vehicles and increase their lifetime 
  • Remotely collect electronic tachograph data

Safety first

  • Improve driver safety through our program
  • Analyze accidents with the blackbox feature

Lates news

26 September, 2023 Events
Effitrax is actively preparing to take part in three upcoming industry events, providing valuable opportunities for those interested in our innovative solutions: These events offer a golden opportunity for industry professionals and enthusiasts to interact with Effitrax’s experts and products.
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